Masjid Al-Aqsa: Acceleration ofJudaization Coinciding with Jewish Holidays and Israeli Elections, and its Repercussions for Middle East

Prepared by:
Nael Oeda and Muath Seyam

This briefing will try to provide the reader with a clear perception about the Judaization
procedures happening in Al-Quds city and the attempts of the Israeli occupation to create a
new reality there that will lead the Middle East region towards more tensions.

Background Information

1- The “Judaization of Al-Quds” is a term that describes the continuous attempts by the
Israeli authorities to strip the historical Islamic and Christian identity from the city,
and to impose a new identity, the Jewish. This is done through several means :

  • The settlement, confiscation of land and displacing of Palestinians from their
    property inside the city.
  • Withdrawing IDs from Palestinians in Al-Quds city, leaving them without identification papers
  • Taking advantage of international support. The most important of which was the violation of the international arrangements in force by the United States under President Trump’s administration and the relocating of its embassy to Al-Quds city .
  • Issuing laws targeting the Palestinian existence, such as regulation and planning law, and the law of banning the call to prayer (Athan) over loudspeakers in November 2016.
  • The Israeli violations against Masjid Al-Aqsa such as carrying out excavations under the Masjid, impeding the restoration process, preventing groups of Palestinians from praying in it, denying residents of the Gaza Strip from reaching and entering it, facilitating the Zionist incursions, and unleashing the settlers to storm in and violate under the protection of the Israeli police and army.

What is Happening and Causing Concerns Right Now?

  1. Preparations and calls are being made by the Zionist settlers to carry out the largest
    historic storming in the Masjid Al-Aqsa on the 29th of September, on the so-called
    “Hebrew New Year ”.
  2. The extremist “Temple” organizations, on September 6, 2022, submitted a petition to
    the Israeli Supreme Court to allow settlers to blow the trumpet inside Masjid Al-Aqsa,
    during the so-called “Hebrew New Year”. They even demanded Throne’s botanical
    oblations to be allowed in, including citrus, palm fronds, willow branches and
    “myrtle” roses during the biblical “Throne Day”, which runs from October 10 to 17,
  3. This escalation and acceleration of the Judaization measures come within the Zionist-
    Israeli plan to Judaize Masjid Al-Aqsa, but certain factors contributed to this, most notably :
  • The tendency of the Zionist society towards adopting extreme right-wing ideas
    more than ever before .
  • The Israeli election race, which will start in November 2022, coincides with the
    Jewish holidays, and this will push the political and partisan level to meet a
    large part of the aspirations of the Zionist right-wing supporters to win their
    votes, all of which are Judaizing aspirations targeting Al-Quds city .

Expected Repercussions of Recent Developments

  1. It is expected that the Zionist Judaization movements to cause tension inside Al-Quds
    city and the rest of the Palestinian cities, especially regarding the issue of incursions of
    Masjid Al-Aqsa. Furthermore, the tension might extend to the Middle East region and
    the rest of the Islamic and Arab countries (a varying levels) because of the status that
    Al-Quds city has among Muslims all over the globe.
  2. It is expected that popular Palestinian confrontations with the occupation will erupt
    and may extend to an armed confrontation with the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza
    Strip. There is a set of previous evidence of rounds of mass and armed confrontations
    caused by Israel’s Judaization policy in Al-Quds city and inside Masjid Al-Aqsa, which in its entirety are provocative measures to the feelings of Palestinian and non-Palestinian Muslims from the Arab and Islamic nation. One of the most recent of these rounds was the confrontation with the “Sword of Al-Quds”, which lasted from May 10, 2021, to May 21, 2021.

What is Required?

The components of the Arab and Islamic nation (official, partisan, scholars, and
institutions) are urgently required to act with practical positions, to address the influential
friends in international politics such as countries, ambassadors, and organizations, and to
contact influencers and pressures on the occupation to deter it from its Judaizing
movements, and to ensure that the situation in Palestine does not explode. They are
required at the immediate, tactical, and strategic levels to provide political, diplomatic,
material, and moral support to the Palestinian people, in a manner that enhances the
steadfastness of the Palestinian people against the Israeli occupation and enables them to
obtain their rights in liberation and enjoy civilian rights within an independent Palestinian

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