

The Study Circles are research clusters under the Asia Middle East Center for Research and Dialogue (AMEC), that conducts research and hold intellectual discussions on a specific country or region. The suggested focus areas include politics, international relations, economy, history, security, and related topics, with the aim of fostering a profound understanding of the diverse regions.

AMEC currently has four Study Circles namely: Palestine Study Circle, Southeast Asia Study Circle, Africa Study Circle and China Study Circle


Role in the center

The Study Circles are research clusters under the Asia Middle East Center for Research and Dialogue (AMEC), that conducts research and hold intellectual discussions on a specific country or region. The suggested focus areas include politics, international relations, economy, history, security, and related topics, with the aim of fostering a profound understanding of the diverse regions.

AMEC currently has four Study Circles namely: Palestine Study Circle, Southeast Asia Study Circle, Africa Study Circle and China Study Circle


Members of each Study Circle conduct rigorous analysis, reviews, critiques, and discussions concerning the latest updates and trends in their respective region.

Seminars and discussions:

The circles host regular meetings, discussions, and seminars to study and discuss political, economic, cultural, and historical topics related to their respective region.

Monthly Report:

The Monthly Reports, issued by each Study Circle at the Asia Middle East Center for Research and Dialogue (AMEC), focus on recent news and in-depth analysis of the happenings of the regions. The views expressed in the report do not necessarily reflect AMEC's editorial policy.


The members of each Study Circle are expected to publish their relevant research works, including blogs, academic articles, opinion essays, analysis papers, thought-provoking articles, interviews, and book reviews through the AMEC platform.




Africa Study Circle

The Africa Study Circle aims to be an international forum dedicated to the study of the Sub-Saharan region, encompassing West, East, Horn, Central, and South Africa and to provide a comprehensive analysis of current developments and key issues across the African continent. 

China Study Circle

The China Study Circle aims to be an international forum dedicated to the study of the region of China and to provide a comprehensive analysis of current developments and key issues across the country.

Southeast Asia Study Circle

The Southeast Asia Study Circle aims to be an international forum dedicated to the study of the Southeast Asia region and to provide a comprehensive analysis of current developments and key issues across Southeast Asia.

Palestine Study Circle

The Palestine Study Circle aims to be an international forum dedicated to the study of the region,  possible resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and provide a comprehensive analysis of current developments regarding the Palestine issue.



Democracy & Transparency Initiative

As the Asia Middle East Centre for Research and Dialogue (AMEC) continues to grow as a political and international relations think tank, it finds it essential to increase its influence around the world in a legal and internationally accepted manner. A great way to achieve this goal is to participate in the democratic systems of foreign countries by promoting transparency through research and recommendations. To this end, AMEC established a new initiative called the Democracy & Transparency Initiative, aiming to enhance its global influence legally. This initiative will enable AMEC to establish a reputation for actively supporting transparency, potentially leading to increased recognition by foreign governments. By taking part in foreign elections in a legal and internationally recognized manner, AMEC aims to demonstrate its commitment to democratic principles and support for the rule of law fostering open governance, fair elections, and accountable institutions for a more just and equitable world. 


Observation of The Maldives Presidential Election

The initiative started by sending representatives to observe the Maldives Presidential Elections, which took place in September 2023.

Our dedicated team of election observers has returned from the Maldives after closely monitoring the 2023 Presidential elections. 

In a tightly contested race that extended to a second round, we are pleased to report that the election unfolded with transparency and concluded peacefully. Our observers worked diligently to ensure that the democratic process was upheld, reflecting our commitment to promoting open governance and electoral integrity.

Democracy is not just a word; it’s a shared responsibility. We are proud to play our part in safeguarding the principles of democracy and transparency, and we will continue to stand strong in our mission to empower nations with fair, accountable, and open electoral systems.

Thank you to our dedicated observers, and to the people of the Maldives for their commitment to the democratic process. Together, we work towards a more just and equitable world.Â